Berkeley Breathed was WRONG! DEAD WRONG! That is something I am happy about. He just didn't think that people like me were out there. People who wanted EVERY strip of 'Bloom County' available to us. They did it with 'The Far Side' and 'Calvin and Hobbs', how could they not do it for poor old Opus, Milo, Binkley, Steve Dallas and Bill?
I was a raved fan of 'Bloom County' and still am. Sadly I did not get into the two follow up strips 'Outland' and 'Opus'. I was a 'Bloom County' man all the way. It was the last strip I would read in the funny pages. Save the best for last and all that.
But alas, poor old Berkeley Breathed didn't think that 'Bloom County' was that well remembered to have every strip published. He was proven wrong by the throngs of fans out there like me. Now my number one item on my Christmas list is the first of five volumes of the 'Bloom County Library' so that I may see strips I have never seen, or only once when first printed. It was THE political satire strip out there with the best stuff every four years when Bill and Opus would run for the highest office in the land. It did not matter that Opus was born outside the US in South America and that Bill was dead (sounds like Obama and Biden), they always ran the good race for that office...
...and lost.
But now those that love good humor at everyone expense have won. 'Bloom County' may never come back as a daily, or even weekly strip. But at least we had the funny pages of long ago and the books to prove it.
Eirik Farwanderer
25 November, 2009 Anno Domini
I was a raved fan of 'Bloom County' and still am. Sadly I did not get into the two follow up strips 'Outland' and 'Opus'. I was a 'Bloom County' man all the way. It was the last strip I would read in the funny pages. Save the best for last and all that.
But alas, poor old Berkeley Breathed didn't think that 'Bloom County' was that well remembered to have every strip published. He was proven wrong by the throngs of fans out there like me. Now my number one item on my Christmas list is the first of five volumes of the 'Bloom County Library' so that I may see strips I have never seen, or only once when first printed. It was THE political satire strip out there with the best stuff every four years when Bill and Opus would run for the highest office in the land. It did not matter that Opus was born outside the US in South America and that Bill was dead (sounds like Obama and Biden), they always ran the good race for that office...
...and lost.
But now those that love good humor at everyone expense have won. 'Bloom County' may never come back as a daily, or even weekly strip. But at least we had the funny pages of long ago and the books to prove it.
Eirik Farwanderer
25 November, 2009 Anno Domini
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