Sunday, November 22, 2009

IV. It's The End of The World!

Sitting in church this morning several things hit me at once during the sermon. It all had to do with the Middle Ages. The first being that our pastor Dr. Gary Zieroth of Saint John's Lutheran in Chaska would have made an excellent preacher in that time. His sermons are interesting, but long. This one lasting 25 minutes. The other was the topic of 'Doomsday'!

What differed was that it, unlike the Middle Ages where the preacher drilled fear of the 'End of the World' with the big moment being 1000 AD, but that as true Christians we do not truly know when because Jesus stated as such in Mark 13:24-37 and we have nothing to fear, except a bad movie.

No, this is not a sermon, or Bible thumping. I just started this off with one view of it, which I do believe in. But it seems that 'End of Times' and 'Doomsday' keep coming up. Every Generation has that Doomsday Weapon or Plague that is going to end all life.

Let me see. The crossbow was going to end all life because no one could kill so fast before. The machine gun. The a-bomb. WMD's. There would be no life left after these horrors of war.

We get blasted with the latest plague news from the fear mongers. They hate calling it the H1N1 virus because they cannot put a face with the name, or even a curly tail. The Pig's had a perverse joy in having it called 'Swine Flu' being that large numbers of people quit eating pork because of it. It was party time in the sty until people figured they had to start killing the pigs to keep from getting the virus. The irony is that pigs are the ones getting the H1N1 virus from humans, not the other way around.

But wait! Remember the fear mongers not too long ago? The Bird Flu is coming! It will kill us ALL! (Cough-chirp!)

SARS! My word help us all! SARS will wipe mankind out for good!

What am I saying. Life did not end in 1000. It did not end in 1991 because of the Gulf War in the Mid East. We survived the great Y2K (Jesus did not descend to Earth from Heaven and Bill Gates did not descend to Hell to rule). We even survived 06-06-06 without Satan running amok in our back yards. 21 December, 2012 will be no different...

...except for one thing that does make me believe that it will be the end. It will be Tom Barnard's last day on KQRS, and I do think there is a verse in Revelations about that.

Eirik Farwanderer
22 November, 2009 Anno Domini.

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