In 1989 the BBC put an end to the show after 26 seasons, much to the disappointment of fans around the world until the Beeb brought it back fully in 2005. Between that time, and even before the Beeb axed it, fan films started being made. They mostly were spoofs of the show and played it up for laughs. But some fans wanted to do more then that.
I became envolved with a project that was ment to be a serious effort, a true fan made story in the style of what was seen on the Beeb. It was a 'Two Doctors' sequel that never fully got off the groud, but through it I got to know the lovley and talented Patti Keiper who was playing Peri. A few years later she wanted to try her own hand at it and asked me to join in as a bad guy heavy. More then happy to help.
I learned later the that person they had playing the Doctor was not working out and Patti asked if I could slide into the role. ME? Play the Doctor. If I had a chance to play ANY science fiction hero it would be the Doctor over all of them. So guess what my answer was.
This project had such potintial. What was important was that this was to be an original Doctor, not an attempt to ape a past era one giving the feel that this was truly new episodes of Doctor Who. We had a Police Box TARDIS that could be taken apart for ease of transport and an actual TARDIS console that was made in the style of the Pertwee Era. Debates made on the look and style of my Doctor between Patti and myself ended in give and take. She didn't want the scarf (too Tom Baker I believe she said) and I hated the cane prop I. Well, I kept the scarf, and the cane alas.
The project came to a sad end when the garage the TARDIS Police Box and the console had a car crash into it distroying both items. I wonder what it would have been like if it was finished, and often would love to try another effort. So Patti, what do you think?
Eirik Farwanderer
21 November, 2009 Anno Domini.
That would definitely be some serious fun. :)