With Liberty comes a price. One Price is the 'Freedom of Speech"
As the First Amendment says:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
How many have really looked at this before shooting their mouths off about this Amendment? Many cry of the Shouts of 'Separation of Church and State' and such. Where in these words does it say that?
This Amendment protects the Church FROM the state and keeps the state from entering into its affairs and from forcing the public to tithe to a State Church that they do not belong to.
Example: As with many nations in Europe there is a State Church. Norway and Germany is Lutheran. Italy is Roman Catholic. If One happened to belong to the Methodists in Norway, they would be forced to give money to the Lutheran church and would not have protection for their rights to assemble.
What this Amendment does NOT do is ignore or pretend that religion is not there. It is NOT against this Amendment for the Government to recognize a Church and its festivals.
It also keeps the Government from controlling political speech, or most importantly political thought. With the congress of today planning on violating this Amendment with the so called 'Fairness Doctrine" they start down that path of Political Tyranny that had Mussolini editing the papers of Italy and Goebbels in control of German media.
One wonders what the Party in control has to fear when they wish to stop the ideas and thoughts of those who do not agree with them. A new black list for a new century and punishment for those that do not march in goose-step with them.
One of the great crimes is how modern media has allowed those that riot to be called 'protesters', but as this Amendment states it is "the right of the people peaceably to assemble"! It is not a violation for the Government to crush those that take to the street as thugs and rioters causing harm to both people and property. In fact this is one of the major reasons we have Government: The protection of the citizen.
Liberty means that you protect those things that you do not agree with. Political Thought is one of them. Religious Thought is the other. When this is taken away we face a Dark Age, and how ironic that those who claim to be the champion of this Amendment cheer when its is abused for their own selfish needs.
Eirik Farwanderer
13 December, 2009 Anno Domini.
As the First Amendment says:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
How many have really looked at this before shooting their mouths off about this Amendment? Many cry of the Shouts of 'Separation of Church and State' and such. Where in these words does it say that?
This Amendment protects the Church FROM the state and keeps the state from entering into its affairs and from forcing the public to tithe to a State Church that they do not belong to.
Example: As with many nations in Europe there is a State Church. Norway and Germany is Lutheran. Italy is Roman Catholic. If One happened to belong to the Methodists in Norway, they would be forced to give money to the Lutheran church and would not have protection for their rights to assemble.
What this Amendment does NOT do is ignore or pretend that religion is not there. It is NOT against this Amendment for the Government to recognize a Church and its festivals.
It also keeps the Government from controlling political speech, or most importantly political thought. With the congress of today planning on violating this Amendment with the so called 'Fairness Doctrine" they start down that path of Political Tyranny that had Mussolini editing the papers of Italy and Goebbels in control of German media.
One wonders what the Party in control has to fear when they wish to stop the ideas and thoughts of those who do not agree with them. A new black list for a new century and punishment for those that do not march in goose-step with them.
One of the great crimes is how modern media has allowed those that riot to be called 'protesters', but as this Amendment states it is "the right of the people peaceably to assemble"! It is not a violation for the Government to crush those that take to the street as thugs and rioters causing harm to both people and property. In fact this is one of the major reasons we have Government: The protection of the citizen.
Liberty means that you protect those things that you do not agree with. Political Thought is one of them. Religious Thought is the other. When this is taken away we face a Dark Age, and how ironic that those who claim to be the champion of this Amendment cheer when its is abused for their own selfish needs.
Eirik Farwanderer
13 December, 2009 Anno Domini.
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