Wednesday, February 29, 2012

XXXI. Satan and the Chief of Sinners.

In these times those that believe and have faith are being looked down upon more and more. Our belief in an "imaginary friend" mocks our 'simple' and closed mindset to such a point that many are now advocating that this, in and by itself, should exclude true Christians from decision making and holding of public office. How can we who believe in a 'creator' possibly be sane because we cannot walk in step with their secular thinking. More on these thoughts another time.

This then leads to the next level, the belief in evil and it's master Lucifer himself. Many who do believe in the Triune God do not believe in the Devil. Much of this has been from the sometimes comedic imagery of the silly man in a red suit dancing near a lake of lava with a pitchfork. He has been reduced to a level of goofy villain in the Christian 'Aesop's Fable' known the Bible, and Lucifer does not care. He does not mind that you do not believe in him, he only cares that you do not have faith in his enemy, God.

As this new age of 'enlightenment' continues we even doubt that there is true evil. Horrid crimes are committed and the masses look at it only as a tragedy, but will not label it as it should: Evil. Those that commit these vile acts are only called 'disturbed' and 'troubled' but the word 'evil' is never even considered. In this way of thought the violators of violent crimes are made to be on the same level as their victims, or even more so then the people they committed these wrongs to. The late President Ronald Reagan dared called the Godless Soviet Union what it was: EVIL! As he did so many were, and still are after all this time, a gasp at this even in light of the horrid and disgusting things this nation did to it's people, and most notably those whose faith was in the Lord.

We are in the end time, and have been since the death and resurrection of our Lord. We are warned that as time continues the bonds of the Devil will loosen and he will plague the world more and more. As he does so he tempts and make sin look more and more desirable. The lie that the 'Devil made me do it' is a vile distortion. The Devil CANNOT make anyone do anything. He tempts. He lies. He even tells the truth.

He tells the truth? How can this be? Because he tells us that sin is fun! It is enjoyable for those moments we commit them. Stealing from someone because we do not think they deserve it, so we take from them and give it others we feel should have it with prideful glee. Sleeping with multiple partners to scratch that sexual itch and taking pride in the notches in our headboard. Spreading vile distortions and gossip about someone because of your personal hate of them. Even striking them. We enjoy the moment, relish it! The Devil was RIGHT! THIS IS FUN! But he leaves out the guilt we feel, the remorse we feel after these deeds. We feel dirty and violated. The Devil told the truth, but not all of it.

Some embrace this, grab onto it. They do enjoy it all. They enjoy the power and glory they get. The fame. Even the feel of Earthly godhood. How major figures in history grabbed onto evil with relish and euphoria. Hitler. Stalin. Castro. Caesar. Pol Pot. Saddam Hussein. Gaddfi. These men, and their servants, grabbed onto Satan's coat tails and rode it to earthy might, and eternal death. On the 'lesser' level we have those who commit serial rape and murder, targeting women, boys and girls. Those that walk into their workplace or schools and murder, sometimes without a true reason. Gangs that roam the streets killing, stealing, selling drugs and raping. Madness it is called, but truly it is evil and the surrender to Satans lies.

I know that Lucifer is real. I have felt him. Heard his lies. Surrendered to them also. I have been a vile sinner, and still am. A Chief of Sinners. He has haunted me in my dreams, making me feel powerless and in bondage. He made me feel alone and abandoned. I gave into those lies, and distorted truth, he whispered into my ear. I enjoyed what I did when I did it! I fell away from God and did more then admired the old and false deities of my ancestors, I worshiped them! I cheated and betrayed! Left my wife for a Jezebel! Turned my back to God and like a whiny self entitled brat and blamed Him for my woes!

As I felt remorse he continued to lie. He told me I had fallen too far. I cannot go back. Then one Sunday as I sat in the back of church, trying to look good for image sake but ashamed to be in the house of God my pastor, Dr. Gary Zieroth, preached a sermon on forgiveness. He preached that we are forgiven and more importantly accept that forgiveness! That the Devil whispers into our ears that we cannot be saved, we are too horrid for forgiveness. This was the only time I got up and walked out on a sermon. Satan was lying so hard in my ear that in my mind I said that Pastor Zieroth was full of bovine excrement and what in Hades name does he know. How heavy my heart was with the sin I had done.

But somehow what Pastor Zieroth said rang in my head. And that ringing started to become louder and louder. No matter how much Satan yelled the ringing started to drown him out. I had told the Jezebel to leave, that I did not want to see her again. But my heart was still so heavy that I could not hold back tears until one day at work. I could not bear that pain and went to the bathroom and sat in tears, sobbing. I looked up and prayed. I begged for the forgiveness that I knew I did not deserve. Then it happened, A feeling I NEVER felt before. A total lifting and easing of my pain. The weight was off my heart, so much so I felt that I was flying! I asked for forgiveness from my former wife for my crime to her, which she gave.

Since then the Lord has blessed me. He sent another woman of faith my way and she is now my blessed wife. He granted me a wish and prayer I always had, strong faith like Pastor Zieroth. I still get plagued by Satan. When he has dared entered my dreams to make me feel powerless I now strike back, even grabbing him by the neck in my ire of his boldness. I have faltered and sinned as we all do, but I know that I am forgiven because of the great gift of God the Son and his death and resurrection.

The Devil maybe rising in power in the world as we approach the end time, but God is the super power. He has forgiven me, a Chief of Sinners. I will continue to serve him on this earth until I go home. So mock me if you may. That my belief makes me unable to be 'wise' enough in this world. That I only have an 'imaginary friend'. I know that this is the Devil and his lies and I KNOW the truth, for I have felt it.

Eirik Farwanderer
29 February, 2012 Anno Domini.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

XXX. Fat Tuesday, Bock Wednesday.

Tis Fat Tuesday! Mardi Gras! Carnival! Shrove Tuesday! Fastnacht! The time to fatten up for the long 40 days of fasting and preparedness of Lent. This is the time in the Christian world where Jesus the Savior makes a grand exit for the sins of the world.

During this time many people, most notably Roman Catholics, give things up to help keep in mind the great sacrifice of the Lord. No meat on Friday (many still do this year round), something meaningful in life or even fasting.

Out of this tradition of fasting came a style of beer that many people turn their noses up at and have given wild stories about the origin: Bock! My favorite is that Bock Beer is the dregs cleaned out of the vats at the end of the year, which my grandfather still believes but needless to say is not true.

It was during this time in the 14th Century in Einbeck, Germany that monks came up with a loophole in this whole fasting thing. No food with hard work and praying makes for a dull monk. So being German they did what they knew best, brewed a heavy beer to help them through the day which they called 'Liquid Bread'. Dark, thick and heavy, it was not your guzzling beer. As time went along this beer was brewed in many fashions for the area it was made, but still being a dark heavy beer. There are some 'watered down' version for today's tastes, but it still has a darker colour to it.

So, why I am writing about this? Well, it's not only Catholics that give things up in this time. I myself am a good Missouri Synod Lutheran and I do this. Not because I HAVE to do it or that it will make me look better in the eyes of God. It's because I do believe that we need to do things to help remind us of why things are, traditions. Those that know me know that I LOVE beer. Not your weak, wimpy mass brewed water with 3.2% alcohol but beers with taste and body that is enjoyed for reasons other then the 'lets get buzzed fast and act stupid' purpose.

I am one who enjoys the British and Irish styles of beers from IPA's to Bitter. A Scotch ale to an Irish Porter. Yes, other styles of beer from around the world I drink, but these are my favorite. So when this time comes I forsake these all. ALL styles of beer save one: Bock.

Now people laugh at me when I say this. 'Oh, you really are not giving up anything! You still are having beer!' Yes, this is true. I still have beer. But for me I do not stay with a constant style of beer. In one sitting I may have two or three radically different styles because I do enjoy the variety. To be settled to only ONE style is taking much away. But also it helps remind me of the time of the year I am in. Of those that in their own ways served God. That out of an order of monks the man who started the Reformation and the church I belong to came. I do truly believe that Martin Luther did try to find a loophole in the Holy Supper so as to use beer instead of wine. Needless to say he didn't.

This last night of feasting and festivities will now lead into that time of reflection. Of Hosannas instead of Hallelujahs. A time to slow down and remember. I do ask those that do drink that fine brew of grain and are faithful to maybe do this thing also. To only take up Bock in this time to help you along these 40 days to that great exit made for us sinners.

Eirik Farwanderer
21 February, 2012 Anno Domini.